Sunday 21 November 2010

My new winter shoes

For the first time in years I recently decided to splash out and buy some decent winter footwear. It's the sort of thing my Mother was always telling me to do. It's only taken 43 years for me to realise that she was talking sense! I've become sick and tired of walking around in fabric shoes from Primark that look cute and wear well-enough in the summer, but for winter they're no good at all. No ankle support, wet, and if it snows...well, they'll be useless. So here are my two choices both purchased from Author, a relatively new shoe shop on Charing Cross Road in London set amongst all the splendid second-hand bookshops. It makes for some fine winter evening shopping.

First up are these excellent leather boots. They're a bit like a dark brown Doctor Martin and the tops are lined with shearling, so they're really cosy. You can turn the shearling bit up or down. Even better, they're flat - so I can actually walk! I know that sounds like an obvious thing to be able to do in shoes, but believe me, it's not always something I take into consideration.

My next recommendation is these fabulous traditional ghillie shoes made by Loake in Northamptonshire. The company has been going since 1880, and I can't tell you how happy it made me to purchase this pair of traditionally made (traditionally male) good quality shoes made in the UK. At £95 they cost more than I would usually spend, but compared to lots of designer shoes they're a bargain. I love the design, and they'll look good with trousers too. The only trouble is that the leather is quite stiff so I'll need to wear them in a bit before they're truly comfortable. Can't wait to team with a pair of fair-isle socks! Winter holds no fear for me now!

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