Friday 28 May 2010


Berlin has already featured on my blog once before as I was there last year doing a hat workshop. It really is a city that I love more and more each time I go back. You feel that people have worked incredibly hard to make Berlin what it is today, and everyone is always very laid back and friendly. I had a fine time in the fleamarket, managing to buy two retro coffee tables for 10 euros the pair. They were so petite I was able to fit them into my rucksack by unscrewing the legs! These Berlin photos are by my friend Iris who's just started her own foodie blog. It's in Dutch, so perhaps a bit tricky to read for the likes of me, but the fabulous photos of gratifyingly gorgeous grub are worth a look in their own right. You can also see more detailed shots of our trip. Included are a number of pictures of shoes (also featured above). Well that's because the new Sex and the City film is out tonight, so it's in honour of the four fashionistas (well, that's my story anyway!) But also, and here's the amazing thing, the floor of the shoe boutique was covered in sequins! Yes, sequins embedded in lino! Oh oh oh!! I asked the shop assistants where they had found such fabulous flooring, but sadly they had no idea. Could we make our own? Next time I need a kitchen floor laying, I'm having sequin lino, and that's a promise!

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